We are disciples who make disciples by engaging culture with the saving message of Jesus where we live, work, learn, and play.
Real Friends. Real Life. Real Faith.

Our Beliefs
At the High Pointe Church, our desire is to embrace the grace and truth brought through Jesus Christ. We humbly acknowledge that we are all sinners, each of us in need of God’s mercy and forgiveness. Our brokenness brings us together as we strive to live into His truth revealed in scripture. It is our deep desire to be a welcoming and compassionate community, where everyone is embraced with kindness and grace, regardless of where they are on their journey.
Our Story
For more than 100 years, God has led the High Pointe Family on a remarkable journey. Founded in 1917, a few families began gathering as a Body of Christ with the intent of making a difference in the community around them.
From the earliest days, God gave our church a vision of reaching Collin County for Christ, and God is still calling High Pointe toward that vision. We envision a community of Christ-followers courageously engaging culture with the hope of Jesus where we live, learn, and work.
The invitation from Jesus to follow him is an invitation to discover the purpose for which we’ve been created. We want everyone to share the hope we have found in Christ.
Our prayer is that you will join us on this journey of faith as we set our sights on helping others to GROW in their relationship with God, CONNECT in an authentic community, and SERVE others with their passions and gifts.