2024 El Salvador Mission Trips
Are you interested in going to El Salvador this year? We would be excited to share the experience with you!

Working Trip
August 22-26, 2024
This trip is designed to help finish anything we can in the construction of our new facility, Centro Emanuel.
Deadline is July 18, 2024
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I need a Passport to travel?
Yes! You can start the process at: U.S. passports | USAGov
Do I need to speak Spanish?
No. We will have translators with us.
Is there clean water to drink?
We will always have plenty of bottled water available.
Are there any immunizations required?
No, however you should check with your personal physician.
Do we all travel together?
Yes. At all times.
Is this a safe place to visit?
While there is always risk associated with travel, we will be in areas that are safe.
What is the weather/climate like?
It is very hot and humid. Sometimes a lot of rain. Dressing is light weight clothing is best.