Experience God, Love People, Share Jesus
Whether you are young or old; rich or poor; single, married or divorced; you belong here! We are simply imperfect people, perfected by Christ, and ready to serve. High Pointe is a church where people can come to know and experience God in meaningful worship, engage with others in a life-giving community, and live out our mission to be and share Jesus in the world around us.
We are praying every day that God sends people just like you into our lives. And just as God has done with us, we seek to take people wherever they are in their walk with God.
Whether you need space or want to engage in meaningful conversation, we seek to be responsive to your needs. If you are looking for deeper relationships, we also invite you to check out one of our Life Groups.
When we gather together, we believe that God himself is present through his Holy Spirit. Our worship service is intentional and creates a space for our worship to testify to what God is doing in our lives. We seek to show that the Spirit is indeed among us by demonstrating the characteristics of the Spirit–love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We take communion each week, where we celebrate the risen Christ and remember his death and resurrection.
Child Friendly
Jesus said that unless we become like little children, we cannot enter into the kingdom of God. One of the favorite parts of the service for young and old alike at High Pointe is our “HP kids offering“ time, in which children stream down to the front during a children’s song and give their donations. The children’s joyful and giving hearts teach us about God.
God and Christ Centered
Our worship focuses on what God has accomplished through Jesus. We praise him by telling of all his wonderful nature and all his mighty acts of creation and salvation. We talk to him by offering up prayers, and through Scripture readings and messages from the word of God we listen to him. Through our giving, we thank him and acknowledge his rule over all our lives.
Culturally Relevant
In today’s culture, multimedia is a way of life, and so appropriate videos, slides, and songs that enhance and illustrate the biblical message are used each Sunday. Our Internet-based culture is also highly interactive, and so people share their stories or testimonies of faith, with questions being asked during the message to engage the members. Messages offer practical help for daily Christian living at work, in the family, and in the church.
Through focusing on God, our faith is built up for service to others throughout the week. We serve each other in our “worship service” by providing opportunities for fellowship, sharing, confessing, prayer requests, and responding to God’s word. People are welcome to be as outwardly expressive as they choose to be in their worship.
Times & Location
3201 North Central Expressway McKinney, TX 75071 – Google Maps
We would love for you to join us for our service either online or in-person Sunday:
Sunday School – Sundays at 9:00 AM
Family Worship – Sundays at 10:15 AM(in person & online)
Please visit our welcome table in the church foyer to pick up informational literature:
- Event flyers
- Staff & Pastor information
- Building maps
At the welcome table you may also register your children for nursery and classes, as well as register for upcoming events.
There are also Welcome Team members to answer any questions or direct you in any way necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions
In order to help prepare you for your visit, we have answered the following frequently asked questions below:
What should I wear when I come to worship or Bible class?
We want you to come, so come as you are. Most people will wear blue jeans or skirts and either a polo or t-shirt or blouse. Some people like to get a bit more dressed up, but we are fairly casual.
How do I give to High Pointe?
There are offering boxes at the back of the worship center and in the main hallways as you leave the worship center.
What about my children?
At High Pointe, your children are a top priority. We offer a dynamic children’s ministry called HP Kids for Birth – 6th Grade. HP Kids is staffed with loving, background safety screened workers who will teach your children Biblical truths and show what it’s like to have fun worshiping Jesus! To create safety & structure in our nursery, we use a check-in system for all children.
Is there a nursery provided for services?
Yes, nursery care is provided. It is our desire to foster an environment where we worship, teach biblical values & encourage fellowship amongst our youngest of members, while giving parents the opportunity to worship in our main service.
Have Questions? Let us help!
Still have questions about our church? Please use the form below or call the church office at 214-544-6565.