You are invited to submit your prayer requests below. Your requests will be forwarded to the church. If you wish to send your request privately, submit praise or share a testimony of answered prayers, we will do so. Check the appropriate box below for either of these.


Although we rarely have to do so, we reserve the right to edit requests when their content requires it. Not all prayer requests will be posted due to content and format. Please allow at least three days for the posting of your prayer request on our Web site if you elect to show it on the site.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 14 times.


Ruth Hughes’ son Danny Hughes had a stroke this morning and is critical. He’ll have surgery this morning (10/11/22) if his blood pressure has gone down at Harris Hospital to try to resolve bleeding on his brain. Ruth relies on him and is extremely concerned. Please pray for her and her family.

UPDATE 10/12/22: Danny has made it through surgery successfully! Thank you all for your prayers and support. He is currently in the ICU and will need surgery again after the swelling goes down, but he is doing better.

Received: October 11, 2022