You are invited to submit your prayer requests below. Your requests will be forwarded to the church. If you wish to send your request privately, submit praise or share a testimony of answered prayers, we will do so. Check the appropriate box below for either of these.


Although we rarely have to do so, we reserve the right to edit requests when their content requires it. Not all prayer requests will be posted due to content and format. Please allow at least three days for the posting of your prayer request on our Web site if you elect to show it on the site.

I prayed for this

Prayed for 12 times.

Thalyn Dismuke

Holly Gardner asks for prayers for her cousin, Matthew Delaney (son of Mark and Amy Delaney, former members), who is currently in the hospital after being hit with a stray bullet from an altercation in a nearby neighborhood (he was not involved in the altercation). The bullet hit close to his spine - he has partial paralysis on his left side and a collapsed lung. The neurosurgeon says that, because of where the bullet is, they can't operate yet. He is in the ICU at St. Michael Hospital in Texarkana.

Received: April 30, 2023